Friday, January 20, 2012

Power Point

What i have learned about a power point is that power point allow you to produce presentation , slides, handout, and also the speaker's notes and the outline.I learn that power point can do so many design.You can put different layout for your slides.You can add new slides and add new design and new layout.You can put picture in the slides and you can play the music on the slide.To make sure that your power point is  looks 
professional you have to look at the design and the color is that match with the background.Then make sure they are no more then 7-8 word per slides.Try not to read word for word from the slides. Make sure to keep the audience involved and interesting with the slides.Then save your work everytime you try to make new slides.You also can changed your text , front ,color in different size.Then try to keep the slides simple and interesting to view.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

30 Facts power point

1. The power point is gives you everything you need to produce a professional - looking presentation using text handing outlining , drawing, graphing , clip art and ect .
2. PowerPoint makes you the presenter, an independent producer of your own high-quality presentations.
3. Here is some stuff that you can make with power point Presentation , Slides , Handouts , Speaker's notes , Outlines .
4. from the start menu select Microsoft PowerPoint.
5. Select the blank presentation option under the new portion of the teak pane.
6.The Title Bar display the name of the program you are currently using .
7. The Tltle bar appears at the top of all Windows programs.
8.The Standard Toolbar Contains icon for some of the most commonly used commands.
9. Placeholders contain formatting characteristics for item to be added which saves time .
10. View buttons allow you to quickly switch between views for you presentation displayed on the screen.
11. Status Bar  is a displays information about the number of slides in the show and design template in use .
12. Slide Sorter Pane is displays thumbnail representation of each slide in a presentation then you can drag to move a slide.
13. Menu Bar is display of a list menus that you use to give commands to powerpoint .
14. Formatting Toolbar contains buttons for the most commonly used formatting commands.
15. Task Pane listes commands that are relevant to whatever you're doing in powerpoint.
16. The Powerpoint display a slide containing placeholders which id entify the placement and location on the slide.
17.  To return to the slide view press the ESC key on the keyboard.
18. There are two ways to add a new slide to the presentation is click on the formatting toolbar and click new silde from the insert menu.
19. when you choices new layout .title,text and clip art your slide pane changes appearance.
20. You can change the size of a selected picture on a slide using the sizing handles as well as rotate it’s original position with the green rotating handle.
21. Click on the AutoShapes button from the drawing toolbar and select the “Rounded Rectangle” from the list of Basic Shapes.
22. If you were making the digram you need a bent arrow to help on the digram.
23. Always save your work when you finish with each slide.
24. Use the space bar to advance through each slide.
25. Sometime the powerpoint will automatically selects a Slides as it default printing.
26. You can print from the print preview window, but it is also important to learn how to use the regular print command as well.
27. The handouts section of the print dialog box will now be active.
28. The next Task will give you specifications for a presentation you are to design and create.
29. make sure you design to your purpose like enterain and keep color nice
30. Try to keep the slide it simple and be consistent .

Friday, January 13, 2012

E.Q with questions/answers

 E.Q with questions/answers

1 . Describe what's blog ?
  Blog is a website that you can intertain the website. you can put anything on the blog. you can put design on the blog. you can put you personal stuff in the blog.

2. Explain the different between a New blog and New post ?
  The blog is some website that you can put anything on it . the new post is the comment  is some other people post about youe blog or the qusetion that they want to ask you.

3. Define and give example of a Hyperlink ?
  I think hyperlink is a website that you can add another page to go different a easy way to go to the website is like a short cut.
   Example :

4. List two ways to embed an image in a post ?
  - Copy & paste
  - Save a file / upload them from insert image .
  - add a gadget.

5.What makes a succesful Presentation?
 The slides must be organized and the color mathching with the background the message is clear and easy to read.

6.List step how to upload power point file as an image onto  the blog?
 slide sorte, print screen on keyboard,open up paint crop it, open a new one and paste, save it as JPEG, go to your blog and go to new post click on image browse it and select the image, click on upload and publish post.

7.Give some example of a simple machine?
   pulley, lever, wheel and axle,screw and inclined

8.Name some simple machine items in your house?
  wheel and axle, wedge, screw and pulley.

9.What is a compound machine?
   is a machine of two or more machines that make up more than one.

My Experience

My experience using the blog is was kinda hard.First i didnt know how to use it and how to comment the post.Then you have to sign up your own account.But when you start using the blog is easy to use now.The blog is good way to communicate and express your ideas.You can design your blog and writing the topic that you want to write.Is good way to teaching the student .You can have the another wedsite to go to in your pages. Then you can see people comment on your post.Then you can change you front and the color in the blog.The blog is interesting to use but i dont relly like it.I rather write down on the paper.But i like how you can design your own pages in different color and fronts.The blog is good way to see what other think about the topic and idea.


4 posts • 2 external Links
• 2 images • Background Design • 2 Comments
• Color Contrast—Font style/ Font Color
• Each post 10-15 sentences • Eastern Time Zone •Non-materials
must deleted

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good & Bad Design

I learned that a good web design is the background does not interrupt the text.Then the text is big enough to read but not too big.Then the information perfect clear to read and easy to read.Then make sure all the buttons and bars are easy to understand and use.Then buttons and bars provide the visitor with a clue as to where they are, what page of the site they are currently on.For the link colors coordinate with page colors.Graphics and backgrounds use browser-safe colors.make sure to lable the pictures then the link matching with the text.All the pages dowloads  quickly.Make sure everything is nice and neat.i learned about bad web design is the background doesnt matching with the text or it hard to read.The text is to small to read.underline something that is not important.Frames that make you scroll sideways.Too many focal points on the page.Then lack stuff in the blog.Pages that look okay in one browser but not in another.I think i should more color on the blogs and some more design and make sure everything is nice and neat.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Second blog

I learned from wind turbine is that a device that coverts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy.Then i learned that the wund turbine catch the wind and help ratate the shaft.Then the turning of the shaft helps to power the generater and creat eletricity.The wind turbine also use wind energy ,solar power. Then the negative about the wind turbine is noise and start up cost and pose threat . Then the positive about the wind turbine is clearn , its renewable generates electricity.They also use power and energy is the rate of using or supplying energy.Energy is amount of energy used depeneds on the power and the time for which it used. the wind turbine also located is Texas , washington  and other states.Most of the wind turbine use in the country and on the farmer.

A wind turbine relate to the technology sector by providing the manufactures energy to produce products.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What is a blog ?

A blog is website that you can updated with new content from time to time. You can post your own private thoughts on the blog. you can do anything with your own blog . you can design your own blog and you can creat something that you like in the blog. Many people use a blog just to organize their own thoughts. people use blogs to publish breaking news, while personal journalers reveal inner thoughts.Blogging is about more than just putting your thoughts on the web. is more about creating and hearing from other people that they have comment about your can post your pictures and the memoey that you have . Then you can Access Controls let you decide who can read and who can write to your blog.