Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good & Bad Design

I learned that a good web design is the background does not interrupt the text.Then the text is big enough to read but not too big.Then the information perfect clear to read and easy to read.Then make sure all the buttons and bars are easy to understand and use.Then buttons and bars provide the visitor with a clue as to where they are, what page of the site they are currently on.For the link colors coordinate with page colors.Graphics and backgrounds use browser-safe colors.make sure to lable the pictures then the link matching with the text.All the pages dowloads  quickly.Make sure everything is nice and neat.i learned about bad web design is the background doesnt matching with the text or it hard to read.The text is to small to read.underline something that is not important.Frames that make you scroll sideways.Too many focal points on the page.Then lack stuff in the blog.Pages that look okay in one browser but not in another.I think i should more color on the blogs and some more design and make sure everything is nice and neat.



  1. I think you did everything that we had to do.You have your two links and you have an understandable text.Also I think that you did good on your background colors.

  2. you have a good blog and you have everything that you need but you need two picture

  3. cita all that green makes my eyes hurt put some thing else but pretty cool keep up the gud wrk

  4. good work cityhaiaaaaaq but put some color
