Monday, January 9, 2012

Second blog

I learned from wind turbine is that a device that coverts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy.Then i learned that the wund turbine catch the wind and help ratate the shaft.Then the turning of the shaft helps to power the generater and creat eletricity.The wind turbine also use wind energy ,solar power. Then the negative about the wind turbine is noise and start up cost and pose threat . Then the positive about the wind turbine is clearn , its renewable generates electricity.They also use power and energy is the rate of using or supplying energy.Energy is amount of energy used depeneds on the power and the time for which it used. the wind turbine also located is Texas , washington  and other states.Most of the wind turbine use in the country and on the farmer.

A wind turbine relate to the technology sector by providing the manufactures energy to produce products.

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